1- Chew a gum
Researchers recently discovered that chewing sugar-free gum all day increases your metabolic rate by about 20%. That could burn off more than 10 pounds a year.
2- Take super size H2O
Buy the big bottle when it comes to good-for-you stuff such as water. You’ll drink more.
3- No butter but olive
Use olive oil in place of butter. It’s healthier and may also help you eat less. In a recent study, dippers ate a total of 52 fewer calories on average than those who used butter.
4- Stop eating sooner
Adding hot spices to food may help you stop eating sooner.
5- Make a favorite juice
(half of your usual amount) with plain water. You can cut up to 85 calories per glass-and lose 5 pounds or more a year.
6- Before walking take green tea
The caffeine frees fatty acids so that you burn fat more easily. And the polyphenols in green tea appear to work with caffeine to increase calorie burn.
7- Give importance to salad
Chop carrots, celery, sweet potatoes, or other vegetables instead of shredding or slicing. It takes more effort to munch bigger pieces; you’ll do more chewing and eat less during your main eating.
8- Dine out
Dining out more than five times a week may you eat more-nearly 300 calories a day-than if you dine out less frequently?
9- Sprinkle flex on your cereal.
Higher-fiber ground flax seed can help curb you appetite and eliminate calories. Add it to yogurt and bread mixes.
10- Put aside the remote.
You could easily burn 200 extra calories a day if you stop using the TV/VCR remote garage door opener, electric can opener, riding mower and other laborsaving devices.
11- Pour a white cocktail.
Like water, low-fat milk’s volume fills your stomach, but it also contains carbohydrates-so you eat less.
12- Drink more
Dehydration can slow your metabolism by 3%. At a weight of 150 pounds, that would be about 45 fewer calories burned a day which could mean 5 extra pounds a year.
13- Buy small.
The bigger the package, the more you’re likely to eat-up to 44% more, according to one study.
14- Dress with this.
It makes for a tasty salad dressing with only 20 calories and 1.5 grams of fat.
15- Schedule a blood test.
About 1 in every 12 woman has an under-active thyroid, which can slow down her metabolism.
16- Trick your taste buds.
Sucking on a menthol/eucalyptus cough drop can stop cravings instantly.
17- Order fish.
Varieties rich in omega-3 fatty acids-tuna, mackerel cod, and salmon-may help you drop pounds by improving fat metabolism. Overweight people who are ate a reduced-calorie diet that included fish every day lost about 20% more weight than those on a fish-free diet.
18- Write down about your eating
Writing down what you eat can help you stay in control because you’re more accountable. No need to record in perfectly or review what you wrote: The benefit is in the writing itself.
19- See a horror movie.
You’re less likely to eat when you’re fearful, but more likely when you’re angry or happy.
20- Break into a jog.
If you already jog, speed up to a sprint. These brief intervals allow you to cover more distance and burn more calories-without lengthening your workout. The increased impact will also help make your bones stronger.
21- Spray, don’t drizzle.
Use an olive oil sprayer such to add flavor to salads, chicken, fish, or pasta-without all the calories. A 2 second spray evenly distributes about ½ teaspoon oil, compared to the 2 or 3 teaspoons you might get when pouring. That’ll save you up to 100 calories per use.
22- Measure before cooking.
It’s easy to cover eat pasta, but not if you cook the right amount at the start. For a perfect portion, take quarter of spaghetti. Its diameter is exactly the size of the 2-ounce stack (about 200 calories) that you should serve per person. Or buy a dry-pasta.
23- Reflect on your choices.
Looking at yourself in a mirror while eating may help you consume 22 to 32% less.
24- Drop and do 10.
Before you pry open that tub of ice cream, do 10 push ups. Doing something physical can put you back in touch with your body-and your goals.
25- Take a whiff.
When you really want those fresh-baked cookies try this: indulge in the smell for 30 seconds. Then place a small piece on the tip of your tongue for another 30 seconds. Savoring the smell and taste can help you stop at just one cookie.
26- Have chunk soup.
People who ate soup containing large vegetable pieces reported feeling fuller and ate 20% less during lunch than those who had a pureed soup made of the same ingredients.
27- Bolt the fat.
You can eat about a teaspoon of oil-or 40 calories and 4.5 grams of fat-from two slices of pizza.
28- Skip “light” foods.
The weight of food, not just the fat and calories, is what fills you up. Eat less and still feel satisfied with low-calorie heavy weights such as oranges strawberries, grapefruit, cooked spinach, greens, and broccoli.
29- Do simple work
Burn calories while you talk. Do the laundry (68 calories), set the table (85 calories), or water (102 calories).
30- Pay cash for treats
Anytime someone offers you goodies-and you accept-put a dollar aside. Then give the money to your kids. When you literally pay for treats, you’re more likely to say “No thanks”
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